
The printer, publisher and Editors
of these newspapers are mostly non professional, having not media background or
degree. Ironically these newspapers belong to newspaper designers, office
attendants of different media houses, newspaper hawkers and advertisement
agents. This is a serious and neglected blow to the noble profession in Kashmir.
For years these newspapers are published
in very small in number (maximum 100 copies) for attendance at Department of
information to complete the eligibility period of Advertisement approval. After
getting approval for receiving government advertisement, these newspapers continues
the same mode of publication as ‘Litho’ (4 pages Black & White) for
attendance purpose. These newspapers are never available at newspaper outlets
or in market for public, hence having zero circulation and readership. Their
prime purpose is to get government advertisement to earn sums without any
Many newspaper layout designers in
Srinagar offer interesting and cheap packages for these ‘Litho’ newspaper
owners. You have to pay just 1200 INR (Indian National Rupees) for designing,
printing, butter paper, Press plates and free copy past content for a weekly.
For daily newspaper it is rupees 2000. These layout designers have established
labs around press enclave where they design these newspapers in bulk.
If you want to have a newspaper in Kashmir,
you don’t need any office accommodation, infrastructure or staff. The only you
need to have just one good contact with a newspaper designer and your work is
done. This is a serious breach of law, as according to RNI (Registrar of
Newspaper of India), the office is must for the newspaper. These newspaper
owners at the time of getting title code and title registration mention editorial
or Publishing office address which never exists as newspaper offices on ground
latter. Since decades this brazen violation of law is continuing unabated under
the very nose of sate information department which has failed to have check on
these newspapers.
Ironically, the state information department
lacks advertisement policy, which led
to the loot of public exchequer. The government advertisements are given on favoritism
to these litho newspapers in handsome centimeters without following any
Every journalist in Kashmir is well
aware about this illegal and secret trade of journalism in Kashmir but
unfortunately the issue remains unreported always. My fellow journalists who
everyday look for a new story idea may know better why they missed to file a
day plan for such a serious issue. There is need of vigorous media campaign
against this blow on journalism.
Within Kashmir media fraternity, it
is well known fact that officials at Information department are in nexus with
these ‘Litho’ newspaper owners to get commission for issuing enough
advertisements centimeter wise. Not only this, in nexus with each other they
are getting different government tenders published in these newspapers for
contractors so that they can get it (work contract) easily as Litho newspapers
are not available anywhere. Being hand in glow for this contract arrangement
they are earning huge sums. The relatives of information department employees
also own newspapers and are earning huge sums through government
The primary objective of the
Government in advertising is to secure the widest possible coverage of the
intended content or message through newspapers and journals of current affairs
as well as Science Art, Literature, Sports, Films, Cultural Affairs etc. The
Directorate of Advertising & Visual Publicity (DAVP), Government of India guidelines says that Government
advertisements are not intended to be financial assistance to
newspapers/journals. Care must be taken to empanel newspapers/journals having
readership from different sections of the society.
Having zero circulation and zero readerships, these
newspapers publish ‘trash’ content managed by their layout designer via Ctrl X
and Ctrl V (Copy Past). They are popularly known for carrying paid content of lesser
known politicians, political parties, and unions. Hence in Kashmir media
fraternity they hold a nick name of ‘Rang Saaz’ newspapers as they publish
three to four column photo of any lesser know person with a beguiling caption or
news item on front page.
This unchecked menace has created a notion in press
enclave of Srinagar that even a ‘Chai Wala’ (tea maker) claims to be an owner and
Editor-in-Chief of a newspaper. Many believe that taking undue advantage of
Kashmir conflict these newspapers grow unchecked in huge numbers.
According to a survey sponsored by
Union Ministry of Home Affairs in Kashmir has said that scores of valley based
newspapers have either no or little circulation and are ‘supported by dubious
funding from secret sources.’ The survey conducted by the Institute for
Research in India and International Studies in January 2010 revealed that the
lack of transparency in funding mechanisms of local publications had created a
phenomenon of ‘ghost’ or fictitious papers mostly supported by dubious funding.
The survey provides a long list of newspapers with no circulation and others
which only print 100-150 copies “mostly for the benefit of the Information
Department” and those whose print-run is only up to 400 to 500 copies.
The report recommended that there
needs to be a better interface through certain institutionalized regulatory
mechanisms to evolve an effective media strategy to deal with any critical
events that can potentially spiral into an agitation. “Government should try
and create a level-playing field for the private players in media, establishing
a fair and transparent audit system of newspapers circulation, to allow market
forces to come into play and ensure fair distribution of government ads in the
local newspapers and, also help remove the ‘secret’ hand of funding of both
State and non-State actors,” the report recommended.
Ironically the professional
journalists and Mass communication degree holders are hunting for job. There is
a need of professional media system in valley to safeguard the career of
professional media men and Mass communication entrants so that media entrepreneurship
is encouraged.
Quraishi is a Bureau Chief at Kashmir for Day & Night News, a Chandigarh
based national News Channel.)
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